Miss Understanding and Mr. Wrong

Miss Understanding and Mr. Wrong
We’re drunk one night and they sang a song.
She went high and he went low.
He looked to her now how does it go?

People looked, but they could not see
What they saw was a certain poetry
Peculiar to their particular means
And colored by such strange routines

Everybody making the sunshine
And sense out of nothing at all
Laughing at the beat in their off time
Following the bouncing ball

Miss Understanding and Mr. Wrong
Had the whole room singing along.
Every woman, child and man.
Words they would not, could not understand.

Well, they went home early, but they stayed up late.
So the bird and the worm had to wait.
And the clock had to wait on it selfish chimes.
Midstream children, froze in nursery rhymes

Miss Understanding and Mr. Wrong
were never hear so they’re never gone.
He said to her, I would understand
If you would not, could not take my hand.

But she said Yes! In a million ways
And wiped that look right off his face
and he jumped for joy and he threw his hat
and he stepped off the world he forgot was flat