Whitman’s Leaves

I want you to read my mind
to see the trees and not be blind.
I don’t wanna leave you far behind
as I walk off on down the line.
Lord, this world is make believe.
There’s angels hiding in the trees.
There’s demons selling apple cider
and I am raking Whitman’s leaves.
And all the wells are banging,
and all the bells are clanging
and all the sky is hanging from a hook.
It’s like I’m in a painting
in a scene in a movie
being watched by somebody in a book.

I’ve seen the world, the bitter world,
the sweet world, the glory world
and to this day, I’m still not sure
which one is right? Outside my door.
I’ve lost my way in mad meadows.
I’ve seen love laugh on tippy toes.
In photographs, I’ve seen repose
and the Emperor without any clothes.
And all through the valley,
and all across the nation,
all the way to heaven on a rail.
And by the smell, the flowers.
By the song, the birds.
And the stars on a clear night never fail.

There are those that can’t be still
and still be free
I think I always will be
me, I’m not what I believe
but whatever believes in me.
Faith is what we have in science.
Fate is what we have in store.
I’ve ridden on the backs of giants.
What a way to see the world!
My head knows all the questions,
My heart knows all the answers.
They each speak in a different tongue.
It’s like building bridges
from the music to the dancers,
from the morning to the setting sun.