I Think I Know

I think I know, I think I know,
I think I know the way back home.
I think I know, I think I know,
I think I know the way back home.

i didn’t mean to stray so far — i was following a shining star
in the middle of the day it vanished
and with the night just came the dark
i met a wise old man strange singer
and he pointed down the road his crooked finger.

He gave me his hat and that was that,
I’d been stung by fates stinger.
I admit I fell in with the floating aces
but even they had their saving graces
I remember the first time we walked on air
the laughter, the looks on their faces.

Every great leap lands in the hand
of something greater you can’t understand.
Those who think they know don’t leap
and those who leap don’t know a damn.
Ladies lined Linden street
like the trees with the heart shaped leaves.

I said to one, “If i gave you my heart
what would I give to these?”
She said, “A river of music. A cobblestone bed.
A brass bridge and boots of lead.
If that’s what you want — that’s what youre gettin.”
She said, “Go ahead.”