No Room at the Honeymoon

Well I put my boots on this morning
and I started walking.
I walked until the sun fell away.
When it was gone I kept on walking… away.

I put my boots on this morning
and I started walking.
I don’t wanna say why. Do I have to say?
Couldnt you be a stranger that I’m talking to
just saying, “wanna play?”

No more aching to take it to the honeymoon
no room hotel burned down years ago.
We have to go to a completely different room.
No more aching to take it to the honeymoon
no room hotel burned down years ago.
We have to go to a completely different moon.

I put my boots on this morning
and I started running.
I’ll race you down the road to sign.
Whoever wins keeps on running.
I wont be far behind.

I put my boots on this morning
and I started running.
I got to feeling I could run really fast.
Life was strong. I was fun and at last….

I put my boots on this morning
and I started dancing.
Yeah I danced like it was going out of style.
You know the one thing that’s always true about dancing
is the smile.

I put my boots on this morning
and I started dancing.
I’m saving all the slow ones for you.
That’s, of course, if you feel like dancing too.