
Never gonna make it if you think it’s a ways.
Never gonna make it if it takes some days.
Never gonna make it if you’re only prepared.
Never gonna make it lest you’re already there.
I can tell. You belong on top of the world but you fell.
Now you’re waiting in line behind yourself.

There you sit alone with the world up your sleeve.
Waiting for the magic to take the lead.
Waiting to be pulled by some inevitable fate.
Each night it comes. It comes too late.
I can tell. You belong on top of the world but you fell.
Now you’re waiting in line behind yourself.

Waiting, always waiting on change.
Waiting, always waiting to change.
Waiting, always waiting, but while your waiting
things just stay the same.

I wish I could tell you why to live you life.
I’d never try to tell you how.
All I know is if you love anything at all,
you’re best off loving it now.
I can tell. You’ll be back on top of the world. All’s well.
You’re next in line behind yourself.