Hippy Fiasco

Hippy Fiasco on a boat.
Hippy Fiasco on a plane.
Hippy Fiasco on a bike.
Hippy Fiasco on a train.
Hippy Fiasco on a skateboard.
Hippy Fiasco on my brain.
Hippy Fiasco Rides Again!

He’ll get to where he’s going, where it is he does not know
but he’s alone, loose, wild and free!
He’s Hippy Fiasco, he’s….

He was crawling past the ankles
of a guy up on stilts
who said, “Hey there little Crawley.
Do what thou wilt!”
That was the night I got the name.
That was the day I hit the road
up on the back of Hippy Fiasco.


If anything was a river
then everything would be the ocean.
We’d all be heading to the ocean
cause that’s where anything goes.
That’s why God made inner tubes
and piers along the coast
just looking out for Hippy Fiasco.