Where Were We?

When we last left the story our hero
was returning home safe from a great adventure.
One that saw him sailing over all seven oceans
and even slaying a mighty monster.
When we left he was sitting in a field of wild flowers
without toil or care.
Now would you be surprised if, after all this time,
we were to find our hero still sitting there?

In his Silly cape and his silly tights…
No escape, nothing to fight.
People pass. People stop and stare.
Our hero’s just a man
in his underwear!

Our hero fully rested rising from the laurels
starts walking there’s a dance to his step.
Time to tell the story, time to enjoy the glory,
that’s not what time it is but he doesn’t know this yet.
The buildings in the town are blocking the sun,
beggars crack the walk with hungry empty hands.
By the end of the night in the back, in the bar light,
off in a boastful daydream our lonesome hero stands…

In his silly cape…..

Let’s skip to the end, the last chapter of our story,
for the sake of time and the fun skipping can be.
Leaning on his fated cane, knowing the sunshine makes the rain,
our hero he is old and sometimes happy.
There’s magic in the mundane moon on the wane
and an owl sounding somewhere in the darkness.
Next time we are together you must remind me to tell you
of how our hero came to be referred to as “your heinous”.

In his silly cape…..