A Little Crazy

it’s true the talking heads in the news want to scare you
everything is parsed in “yeah, but it could get worse”
to keep us tuning in forever.

somewhere a soldier’s sitting in the dead of summer
in the ocean on a platform in the eye of a hurricane
we came but we just can’t get it together

because everyone has gone a little crazy
and when you’re crazy
you don’t know you’re crazy
because you’re crazy

it should come as no surprise to glazed doughnut eyes
like balloons what we untie might just float away
and come what may be gone

people keep asking rhetorical questions
then talking before i finish my heartfelt reply
so much i think i must be…

now all the boats and trains, cars and planes to me are invisible
i only see the people as they go flying by
can you believe that? asleep up in the sky

and multiplied we divide the indivisible
spend all our time fudging the numbers to make it all equal
no matter what or who we have to hide