Anything With You

I would do anything with you.
I would do anything with you.
I would do anything with you…

I’d go under the ladder.
Drive at break neck speed.
The law don’t matter
I don’t care what they don’t allow.
I’d rob a freight train
take anything you need.
In fact, there’s one passing
slow enough by me now.

I would do anything with you.
I would do anything with you.
I would do anything with you…

I’d live forever.
I’d die tonight.
I’d take you home.
I’d take you to the moon.
We’re out on this limb together
to the very end
I’ll have some of
whatever’s in your spoon.

I would do anything with you.
I would do anything with you.
I would do anything with you…

Now, with most people I won’t do
anything at all.
And there’s a few with who
I’d do a thing or two
but I would do anything with you…