Armageddon Ready (For the End of the World)

I been broke down in Bakersfield
I’ve dealt with the devil and knew the deal
I’m no saint but i know how it feels
to have an angel love you for real

strange world you’re almost gone
ferris wheel’s flying everybody hold on
everybody’s right, nobody’s wrong
i could prove it but it would take too long

ok, what am i forgetting?
who besides me have I not forgiven?
what on Earth am I doing for a living?
I been prepping for Armageddon

I feel like I’ve seen this before
looked out that window, walked out that door
back before my time, before the war
danced across this very floor

here is this burning book in hand
read the whole thing I don’t understand
back when God first thought of man
I mean is the whole thing going according to plan?

I guess I’m giving good as I’m getting
and I’m pretty sure I’m going to heaven
pair a dice, seven come eleven
I been prepping for Armageddon

I’m not sure what I think I see.
It’s not like the dogs have been loosed on me
unless there’s some crazy conspiracy
where the sheep are wolves and the wolves are sheep.

the devil, I tell ya, has no face
and is never in any one particular place
machine-like, cruising at the speed of space
it doesn’t really matter who wins the race

pies in the window, hunger is hidden
and the only truth tellers will only be kidding
he’s with her, she came to the wedding
I been prepping for Armageddon

Some vote normal, some vote absurd
me I’m voting for that little bird
who was just flying along til he thought he heard
someone speak an honest word

some don’t think we need a revolution
think patience is the best solution
some don’t believe in evolution
I think patience is another form of air pollution

I’m not saying we should be forbidden
from being content with the lot we’re given
maybe you’re happy, I say go get ’em
me, I been prepping for Armageddon