Nathan Moore

Nathan Moore

For Heaven’s Sake

Can’t run from the lightning don’t know where it’s striking Might as well try to catch some your chances are probably about the same. Ok either way. You should be reading, but not what you ought to Your teachers misleading,…

Back Down Boy

Been a minute since I picked up my old guitar. It’s not like riding a bike. Not if you wanna get far. I tried singing the one that got you out of your clothes, but I’ve forgotten the words, even…

Stop a Train

I hit the brakes oh but it takes a long time to stop a train the heavier the load the further it goes takes a long time to stop a train we were weighted down Staunton bound takes a long…

Only Takes One

Last night, I lost it. Now I can’t find it. Might be gone for good. Got to hand it to that madman, I come around the corner, Now he’s got who I thought I was. Now I don’t like me…


To he who turns away angels like you’d turn away a ghost. To he who turns away friends when he needs them the most. To he who is dangerously close, I propose a toast to he who needs it the…

There it Goes

So much for that after school special ending I was hoping was coming. I was praying was coming. Where a frozen heart’s thawed by some simple befriending. By people believing. By guitars a strumming… there it goes up in smoke,…

Surly In The Morning

I wake up surly in the morning! you might not like talking to me. I need coffee just to be able to make coffee, I wake up like a cat up in a tree. Some folks rise and start shining…

Go On

You might cast your line 100 times and never get a nibble or you might catch The One the one they will talk about for ages the one they will sing about in song so go on… cast your line…

Sputtering Song

I tried to get away but my car was sputtering. I tried to stay but my heart was fluttering. I tried to think of what to say but my words were stuttering. I was on a roll that needed buttering.…


left my eye on the motorcade turned the corner rolled away i was older, the children played follow the leader. Headlines many stories tall told of the naked emperor’s fall i watched a lady obeying the law feed the meter.…