Nathan Moore

Nathan Moore

82nd Avenue

Almost all gone  racing to the end  strange wide and frightened smile  over’s my only friend  9:300 knock on the door  housekeeping? sure, more towels  and tell me again  how your momma met your daddy  at the Rambling Inn  I’m…

You Got This

Here’s hoping they can reach us, you know, life’s finest teachers the one’s to show us how to do what must be done. I don’t mean abstractly, I mean matter of factly, the nuts and bolts of flying to the…

I Can’t Wait on the World

I can hear you both and you’re both right inside my head. Tiny tug of war that’s my unbreakable thread. What if I hadn’t said… What if I said something else instead? I’ve made my bed, but I haven’t lied…

It Was Dark

It all seemed so bright to me. Like a room lit by a spark. I didn’t know there were things I couldn’t see. I didn’t even know it was dark. A sign in the distance was showing me my aim…

The Reminder

How many days have I waved off the miracle to claim I have empirical proof that we are blind? How many ways do I hide from beauty as if it’s my duty to stay left behind? Rides in on each…

The Wailing Wind

In the past the question’s clear. How could they let that be? But the madness in the mirror seems impossible to see. The harmless prisoners silenced by the walls. The cursed listeners who can’t help but to hear them all.…

Holler and Hope

So glad the world can’t hear my thoughts. Oh if the world could hear my thoughts, from this world I’d likely be shot like a cannonball. I leave the light on, yes I do. Climb up to where I love…

One More Time

One more time, one more time, one more time old friend. One more time, one more time, I was just getting it at the end. Never heard that one, where’d you find that one? what were you thinking? what were…

Off the Chain

Dime a dozen? Well, I’ll take a dozen. Buck twenty, for all that fussin, might as well throw in a couple more and keep the change. Across the nation, station to station, people finding themselves losing their patience just too…