The Lazy Way
so many round here think i went the lazy way all under the table rolling down the highway sleepin’ where i wanted to no place to call my own those were the darndest hardest working lovely days i’ve ever known.…
so many round here think i went the lazy way all under the table rolling down the highway sleepin’ where i wanted to no place to call my own those were the darndest hardest working lovely days i’ve ever known.…
This is the last one. The last one ever! This is the last one. I swear it tastes so good. How dare it keep on giving to the end. How dare I reply “Lord I’ll miss ya,” by and by.…
I was the sucker first in line to buy my ticket Barnum and Baily showed me how easily I’m won and there’s one born every minute, behind me next in line to find out how it’s done, to find out…
I wanna be in a sci-fi movie I wanna be the hero I wanna be in a sci-fi movie one with UFOs I wanna be in a sci-fi movie I love outer space I wanna be in a sci-fi movie…
If I was a pine I’d just grow. If I was the moon I’d just shine. If I was the sun I would rise and if was a spider’s web I’d pick a window and just trap bugs. I would…
Tonight the sad army lost another brave soldier to the arms of a beautiful girl. How I hate to see a man happy in love it’s like he’s forgotten the world! Leaving the drowning to the rain, we won’t be…
Since the beginning we’ve been spinning our wheels trying to love, digging in our heels wondering how could the angel tugging on our sleeve not be real? We deal the cards and read the signs and step in line with…
each time i hit that stretch of road i know i’ve made it home even tho there’s a ways to go i could get there with my eyes closed leave the sleepy town behind me and that road unwind turn…
The fat king of gods, the breaker of bones owns everything you see for endless miles and talk of revolution has vanished under a stone still the mystic sees the tremblin’ and smiles. Liberty’s children build prison on prison and…
I found the wise old man cross legged on the tip of the mountain peak. I said, “I’ve walked a thousand miles.” He said, ” You are what you seek.” So I uncrossed my legs, rose from the peak and…