Nathan Moore

Nathan Moore

Train of Thoughts

There are those who will hate to see you shine because it reminds them of the blindness they’ve embraced they will talk you down all around town and then laugh and be all friendly face to face. But that don’t…

Daydream In The Real World

I’ve been making myself sick thinking I’m dying. I don’t go out much because I’m all alone. I may not be a star but at least I ain’t trying. Picking that chicken right off of the bone. Picking that chicken…


I’m basically a sad man playing in a jam band looking for the happy melody in a minor key. Heaven must be anarchy. Can a brother get some sympathy? We must be the change we wish to see, hey let’s…

Cowboy Anarchy

I called up my mother the other day said are ya sittin’ down been kicking some ideas around, are ya ready for this — i been reading Emma Goldman, hanging out with puppets and circus clowns and i’m beginning to…

The Cost of Leaving

Wonder will you ever love another and not really knowing deep down. There’s nothing stranger than a stranger that used to be your only friend in town The cost of leaving is rising every day The cost of being the…

Choose Thy Love

There’s no easy way to say it. No way to say it right. We’ll be talking all day late into the night and in the morning we’ll come to see the light better for knowing worth the fight Cause I…

Can’t Fly To Heaven

If only they’d crown the king of failure or gave a prize for heartache at the fair or gave a dime for every time you feared the jailer if juggling just meant throwing things in the air not getting younger,…

Boom Boom Boom

When you ever gonna learn it’s not the song even though the moon is full, it’s not the stars up there falling, it’s you that’s beautiful. When you gonna get it straight it’s not the money, it’s not your lovely…

Bending Spoons

i had no idea for tomorrow to come so soon been waging my wars singing my tunes been turning heads, bending spoons i think a cake is in order, something to celebrate maybe the death of one, perhaps the birth…

Where Were We?

When we last left the story our hero was returning home safe from a great adventure. One that saw him sailing over all seven oceans and even slaying a mighty monster. When we left he was sitting in a field…