Nathan Moore

Nathan Moore

Catch Me a Jesus

Trying to catch me a Jesus Damn that man is smooth. Trying to catch me a Jesus In this motel room. There’s a Bible on the night stand, shadows on the bathroom wall. Trying to catch me a Jesus but…

Pioneer Snail

Pioneer snail blazing a trail, blazing a trail, blazing a trail. Lord knows it’s hard to fail when you’re just along for the ride. I’ve been building a hobo’s home, a hobo’s home and a hobo’s home is going wherever…

Rollaway Bed

Good morning star screwers, moon chewers, horn blowers looky what grew, what seed took hold. Spring peepers, deep sleepers, the tiny grain of a true believer’s been planted by a toe, let’s get this show on the road. Giddy-up, don’t…

Plain as Day

If you saw a UFO, what would you do? What if it appeared only to you… Would you let everybody know or would you just let it go? What if the alien was a girl gave you a message for…


Where do you start? At the beginning Where do you go? To the end Just playing a part An unwashed american Riding again, to find a friend And I feel terrible Like its already to late Almost unbearable Just wanting…

Yeah Yeahy

All I ever wanted was hand to mouth. To live off the land somewhere in the south. To have a little garden and a child or two. And a little lady sayin’ I Love You. Here I am waiting tables,…

Who Can Blame Them

I’m just listening to lovers and waning like the round lights. I’m just asking older faces. They just closing like the quiet. Tulips were shaken by the wind of what was spoken. Now I’m dancing like a ship above all…