Nathan Moore

Nathan Moore


Sunflower, sunflower — shouldn’t you be turning around? You been looking at me for too long, too long- now the sun is about to go down. Sunflower, sunflower- I’m flattered, now, don’t get me wrong. But I could never give…

Story Time

Oh but then you do find a way To leave a bitter taste in peoples mouth I forgive for you vision But I condemn you for your ways Just to have the conversation Seems like such a waste I’ll take…

Here Kitty Kitty

Shot of whiskey and a ciggy for my kitty, lord — it’s hard to keep my pussy clean. Look, I know you stole my snickers. I can see it on your whiskers. Comme on kitty, don’t be so mean. CH…

Just Saying

I wish that I could say it out loud. I wish I could spell it out. F A#m But I don’t even know what I’m on about. D# G# Some things sought are just not found. I wish I could…

Catch Me a Jesus

Trying to catch me a Jesus Damn that man is smooth. Trying to catch me a Jesus In this motel room. There’s a Bible on the night stand, shadows on the bathroom wall. Trying to catch me a Jesus but…

Pioneer Snail

Pioneer snail blazing a trail, blazing a trail, blazing a trail. Lord knows it’s hard to fail when you’re just along for the ride. I’ve been building a hobo’s home, a hobo’s home and a hobo’s home is going wherever…

Rollaway Bed

Good morning star screwers, moon chewers, horn blowers looky what grew, what seed took hold. Spring peepers, deep sleepers, the tiny grain of a true believer’s been planted by a toe, let’s get this show on the road. Giddy-up, don’t…