Nathan Moore

Nathan Moore

Plain as Day

If you saw a UFO, what would you do? What if it appeared only to you… Would you let everybody know or would you just let it go? What if the alien was a girl gave you a message for…


Where do you start? At the beginning Where do you go? To the end Just playing a part An unwashed american Riding again, to find a friend And I feel terrible Like its already to late Almost unbearable Just wanting…

Yeah Yeahy

All I ever wanted was hand to mouth. To live off the land somewhere in the south. To have a little garden and a child or two. And a little lady sayin’ I Love You. Here I am waiting tables,…

Who Can Blame Them

I’m just listening to lovers and waning like the round lights. I’m just asking older faces. They just closing like the quiet. Tulips were shaken by the wind of what was spoken. Now I’m dancing like a ship above all…

When I’m Gone

When I’m gone, when I’m gone, what will happen to my songs when I’m gone, when I’m gone? Will they make it to the children who seem to pick up what remains. Will they make it through the valley or…


Never gonna make it if you think it’s a ways. Never gonna make it if it takes some days. Never gonna make it if you’re only prepared. Never gonna make it lest you’re already there. I can tell. You belong…

Van Go

Van go, ever thought of working for a living? Van go, what yet another painting? Van go, is that all you care about- the world through your eyes on the canvas that you’re painting then don’t be surprised. If that’s…

True Love

Life is not too long to wait. Not for true love. If not for true love, life would be too long. True love looks like true love feels. It’s the railroad ties a little boy steals. It’s the laughter of…