Nathan Moore

Nathan Moore

9 to 5 Suicide

Thought about suicide this morning just woke up and I am warning you, don’t get too close. It’s a stupid situation, city sleepin, desperation, living in my clothes. -CHORUS And I don’t think I was made to break and I…

Theme Song

I think everybody needs a band to follow them around and make up the music to go with whatever’s going down. -CHORUS Everybody needs a theme song. One we can all sing along on. One that makes the whole world…

You’ll Know

there’ll come a time that you won’t question there’ll be no doubt in your mind until then no need to mention what might just be lying you’ll know when the time comes you’ll know whether you sit whether you stand…


food can be a summer’s slice of shade or a warm belly on a winter’s day everybody’s worth their salt and a good meal that is home made food can be so good for you you flit like a bluebird,…

Pinocchio’s Toes

I’ve got Pinocchio’s eyes, Pinocchio’s toes. I’m about Pinocchio’s size. I wear Pinocchio’s clothes. Somehow, I got lucky and didn’t get the nose. So I wear sunglasses and high heeled boots. And a long trenchcoat that covers up the suit.…

Been a While

Been a while since you and I sat beneath an unbroken sky still in the tremble hand in hand, panned the fool’s gold stream. Seems like ages since the two of us teamed up against the years and just watched…

War Song

Outside the war is raging, lovers quarrel in their bedrooms, the little boy who knows nothing stands in a candy store. The trees are limp with flowers. In rose, they march the bride grooms. The little boy stands in the…

No Doubt

I know what I want to do. Oh, but I don’t do that anymore. What am I gonna do now? I’m not sure. I’m not sure.. I know where I want to go. Oh, but I no longer know the…


Down under the Manhattan Bridge underpass we made blankets out of Dumbo’s ears. And we scratched you can fly into the sidewalk and she brought me by the hand to tears. -CHORUS The night is spun on silver tongues. We…