
Why doesn’t He want me to get it
then gives it to me in basketfulls.
How come these days like horses.
How go these days like bulls.

Somewhere in amazing grace
a young man turns fifty-four.
Only we can make a diamond.
Only we go door to door.

Why would he steal from a lost soul
the light that might lead him forth.
To what height do we aspire
if blessed are the poor?

Enslave me, Truth, as if I had eyes
and swipe these terrified tears.
I will raise my glass to you
and drink to you 54 beers.

The Captain had gone overboard.
the ship sailed like a blind man sees.
I heard that, without the man,
the ship sank safely into the sea.

I heard the flowers sing
melancholy rose tulip touch me not
and all I’ll ever have, yeah,
that’s just what I got.

I love to laugh with abandon.
I laugh to love with the best.
I figure if I do enough thinking,
I’ll learn how to enjoy the rest.

Why doesn’t He want me to get it
then gives it to me in basketfulls.
How come these days like horses.
How go these days like bulls.