Bathrobe Blues

I don’t know the world is changing,
but then, I’m getting older.
I don’t know if I’m just slowing down
or if it’s really getting colder.
But I look around and I’m pretty sure,
these kids can’t be as dumb as they seem.
I spend a lot of time in my bathrobe these days,
oh but I still got dreams.
And if you see me walking along through town,
you best believe I’m checking out the scene.

I started out like a hobo.
Nowhere to calm my own.
For 30 odd years, I just disappeared
never wrote a letter to my home.
But I found an endless lawless heaven.
You just had to keep moving on
because all hell would gather around you
if you stayed in one place for too long.
But I’ve been sitting here beside my dear
well over a year looks like I might’ve been wrong.

Well, well, you just keep on changing,
but take it from one who’s been around,
neither of us are quite the same
and there’s some weird shit going down.
But in case I forget to thank you,
Thank you, thank you thank you I do!
Even at your worst, you’re sort of magic.
I really do believe that’s true.
I mean, just look around at this world we found.
Just thought it up right out of the blue.

No more a roving good time gambler.
I’m happy for the chance to sit still.
Just got back my arms are tired.
Elbows on the windowsill.