Better Beg Forgiveness

your problem is you think that as long
as you do nothing wrong you do nothing wrong
but that aint the way the world works
round here you’re born where you don’t belong
you better beg forgiveness, before you move along

you think you can just close your eyes
and ah it all goes away
but he’s looking at you and he decides
where you go when you go away
you better beg forgiveness, or there’ll be hell to pay

Just who do you think you are
floating in the stars
on a planet spinning round the sun?
And what did you think would happen
when you got into your car
and drove it right off into the ocean?

blue sky kid look what you did
you picked the petals off a flower for love
when it was never either or
it always all of the above
you better beg forgiveness, you better look up

look at you go in your little row boat
floating round like life’s but a dream
well that might be true but there’s too many things
that that just doesn’t mean
you better beg forgiveness, down on your knees
extra verses

judging from your eyes I’d say apologize
it’s not wise to trust what you see
put the gavel down don’t need to make that sound
not ever not once just let it be
you better beg forgiveness, if you want to be free

what has a face, one eye, three hands
no legs and can never stand still
you never know, you always yes
even if it’s against your will
you better beg forgiveness, if you got time to kill