Catch Me a Jesus

Trying to catch me a Jesus
Damn that man is smooth.
Trying to catch me a Jesus
In this motel room.
There’s a Bible on the night stand,
shadows on the bathroom wall.
Trying to catch me a Jesus
but he don’t come when I call.

My momma’s got her a Jesus.
Maybe I could just take hers.
My grandma got her a Jesus
worn around her neck like pearls.
My Grandad caught him a Jesus-
found him in the war.
I’m trying to catch me a Jesus
like those that came before.

I set a snare in the forest.
I threw a net in the sea.
Everywhere I go I dig a little hole
and cover it with sticks and leaves.
I’m under covers now with a flashlight
trying not to breathe.
I’m trying to catch me a Jesus.
They say he can set me free.

My dad caught him a Jesus
on the end of a fishing pole.
Had a long talk with that Jesus
and decided to let him go.
Now that Jesus gets a little bigger
ever time the stories told.
I’m trying to catch me a Jesus.
I want me a Jesus of my own.