
To he who turns away angels like you’d turn away a ghost.
To he who turns away friends when he needs them the most.
To he who is dangerously close, I propose a toast
to he who needs it the most… cheers!

To he who is locked away doing hard times.
For some unspeakable crimes
To he who is living with his mind
I lift my glass of wine.
To he who is dying cheers.

Lord, if I know anything at all
It’s that life is such a long fall.
You can try flying, but you’re better off
Just looking down for something soft.

To he who is angry with the world when he is all by himself.
Because he cannot love someone else.
To he with all that troubled wealth.
Hey, I’ve been there myself.
Here’s to your health… Cheers!

To he who hurts his lover all for fear.
To he who is wanting never near.
To he who is making tears
how about round of beers?
To the years to the years… Cheers.

To he who is missed in his own home
Because he’s out here tonight, rambling on.
To he and all he’s known.
He does not drink alone.
No, set them up Joe. Cheers!