Come On

On my mind has been hope.
It feels go good, I hate to let it go,
but I know — soon it’s gonna
breakdown and I’ll be cryin, o o oh.
The way that it comes
must be the way that it goes.

Trouble’s on a worried mind.
You see love is blind, it never knows what it’s done.
What someone might look for
ever and never find.
The way that it comes
must be the way that it goes.

Come on let’s be hungry.
Come on let’s be full.
Come on let’s be wise.
Come on let’s be fools.

Round and round and
on we go and where we stop,
no one knows. Just the way
that it comes must be the Way
that it goes.

Time has come to carry on.
Left behind can be woes.
All you need, you can take with ya on down the road.
The way that it comes
must be the way that it goes.