As a face in the crowd
just out walking around the city,
If you saw me now,
would you recognize me?
Or would you just see some old man?
Not the one who beside you ran and ran,
oh we ran so fast back then didn’t we?
I knew it was wrong.
I didn’t have to say it.
But a Leaving Song
should get you to dance, not praying.
I never thought that was true.
I just figured we’d leave that to you
and you know who we all believed, didn’t we?
-As an old wind blows in
and knocks down the Oak
that we always spoke about
as if it had always been.
Once upon a time,
we were the Merry Pranksters.
Living a life of crime.
A gaggle of goofy gangsters.
Just give us a rule we can break.
How many fools does it take
to screw in a lightbulb?
We screwed in some lightbulbs, didn’t we?