Enough About Me

there’s a god walking a fine line
between suicide and crucified
there’s an ant climbing up the side
of a bottle of moonshine in the sunshine
there’s a town suddenly hushed down
and the only sound is enough to drown
there’s a beautiful flower that smells awful
look but no noseful, it’s really terrible…..

but enough about me I’ve always been blue like the sky is blue
I see what I see and not one thing I see I know is true
but I really used to know you really used to know me too!

there’s a picture of paint of the one to blame,
on the wall hanged but he’s been framed
there’s a faint echo of a child’s name
a dissipating wave fading away
there’s the remnants of last night’s magic,
a burnt matchstick, the two of hearts trick
there’s a guitar leaning on the mattress
been getting into fitness, my love as my witness….

there’s a siren sounding starboard,
the ambulance is backwards, I’m diving in for her.
There’s a night owl lost in the day
people call his name, “who?” is all he can say
there’s this one thing but it’s hard to prove
it’s this game on the chess board where nobody moves
and there’s a heater humming by my feet
and out the window I can see the air they breathe….