Fish Heads and Tales

I was running through some words
when I came upon a pond
where the ladies fish lies
and the boys came from.
There was a sign and I
went closer to take a look.
It said, Throw into me a penny and make a wish.
But that is not the deal I undertook.
First I swam then fished. First I swam then fished.
I was daydreaming silently
in the middle of the night
of the one that got away
’cause I pulled too tight.
I thought, had I come carrying a net
would the treasure be all mine?
Have I given up? No, not yet.
I’ve got lots of time. I’ve got lots of time.
I gathered up my lures,
a little wine and song,
and I went running through some words
until I found that poem.
I used a little bit of nighttime for the bait.
Wasn’t long before I was reeling in the loot.
I got more than I could ever contemplate