food can be a summer’s slice of shade
or a warm belly on a winter’s day
everybody’s worth their salt
and a good meal that is home made

food can be so good for you
you flit like a bluebird, kick like a mule
keep you from ill wills and, well,
not the kind the drug stores sell

food can be a great excuse
to get back to your roots
to get your hands down in the dirt
food can be the living proof

food can make a man a man,
a child a child, a woman a woman
watch it go from seed to plate
and you’ll thank God for the food you ate

you should hope to see a hungry man
when the bread finally finds his hand
you should hope to see the look in his eye
for then you’ll know the reasons why

food can make a town a town
farms and markets, chowing down
house to house, street to street
everybody’s got to eat

Food can be so delicious
a saint is shouting expletives
soften the hard nosed sweeten the sour
like the time love devours

food now if you don’t know where it comes from
if it don’t make you applaud
if it don’t satisfy and then some
buy fresh buy local by god