Go On

You might cast your line
100 times
and never get a nibble
or you might catch The One
the one they will talk about for ages
the one they will sing about in song
so go on…
cast your line
go on

We try, we fail
we try again, we fail better
and we never know the answer
even when we think we do
the answer to the question is
the question isn’t true.
but go on…
ask your question
go on…

You might win the war
only to find
it’s time to win another
best slow your breath
for the galloping fast approaching horse
sure looks like it’s ridden by Death,
but go on…
win the war
go on…

You might not find it
until you’ve given up.
What can I tell ya
if that much is true?
If I said “you’ll find it just keep looking”
I’d just be lying to you,
but go on…
God bless you
go on…