Help Wanted

Filled out another application
trying to resume.
Filled with hesitation,
feel the pull of the moon
to fly away
that’s what I do.

Now I’m walking around my hometown
looking for my girl.
Daydream settling down
on the spinning world.
Saying I’ll always stay,
I won’t just walk right out the door.

Yeah sure. Yeah right.
I’ve only known foolish flight.
It’s the only way I’ve made it this far.
Deep down I know my soul
is rolling down that road
as I sit here searching my heart.

No one says the wrong thing, they just go on and on.
I guess I do that too.  It just used to mean I was gone
or on my way.  What was I running from?
It’s good to quit my running.  It’s good to face my fears.
There’s a slow train a comin’.  Here’s to the engineer.
Next time he rolls this way I bet I’ll still be sitting here.

My next move is classified so I buy the paper.
I read the ads about the single wides, found a spot I can put a trailer
and in my mind they say, “you can pay me later.”
Nathan wake up, wake up, oh right, help wanted,
help wanted, help wanted, help wanted, help wanted, help wanted,
and on my resume, hey, if you got it flaunted….