Holly Would (if she could)

She wants to be a rock star,
so she plays hard — just like she should.
She’ll never make it too far, she’s waiting on a wild card —
she’s not that good.

She’s living in her van — but she’s got a master plan
I wouldn’t but Holly would.

When she was just fifteen, life was but a dream, in her neighborhood.
When she was twenty-one, life was just plain fun, knock on wood.
When she turned twenty five — she kissed that life goodbye.

I wouldn’t but Holly would.

She wants to be a rock star,
so she plays hard — just like she should
She’s shootin for the big lights. She’s got ’em in her sights.
She’d hit ’em if she could.
She busts out a tune, O so out of tune
I wouldn’t but Holly would.