I Still Cook For Two

Now I lie alone in bed,
two pillows around my head.
Got one toothbrush by the bathroom sink
and plenty of time to think.
But I still cook for two,
I still cook for two.
Enough for me and enough for you.

Last night I made brussell sprouts.
They was ninety-nine cents a pound.
Made so many I laughed out loud.
Thought you just might come around.
I still cook for two,
I still cook for two.
Enough for me and enough for you.

Now I’m a gettin’ fatter every day
you’re gone is an inch on my waist.
O hun, you better come home soon
and have yourself a taste.
‘Cause I still cook for two,
I still cook for two.
Enough for me and enough for you.

It’s dinner by the window evry night
I sit across from that empty chair.
Just so you know, I always make what you like
and there’s always some to spare.
I still cook for two,
I still cook for two.
Enough for me and enough for you.