In the Basement

sitting here naked, sitting here hooked
gonna get swallowed by an ancient book
i’m sitting here starving, sitting here stuffed
looking for my diamond, feeling rough
like a scarecrow in love with a crow
i can’t remember if i just don’t know
my hands they tremble like a wind blown rose
every day is an overdose

i feel like i’m walking on air
like i’m falling downstairs
in the basement, in the basement, in the basement

sitting here broken, sitting here healed
sitting here betting down the line i’ll know the deal
i’ve never been a man who much liked according to plan
now i’d rather take a chance than make a stand
it’s better than fading like a god damned flower
better than sitting here 60 miles an hour
need a little hallelujah to get the medicine down
god if you can do it, put me back on the ground

sitting here walking a familiar lane
but there’s a camera, microphones, everyone’s just out of frame
and i’m all alone, it’s a soliloquy
no one says nothing when i say, “line please!”
and i say cut but they keep rolling
got my thumb out but nobody’s slowing
everyone seems happy, like they know where they’re going
they could all be acting, there’s no way of knowing