When will I ever learn
I am not like a dog.
I care where I lay in my head.
I am not high on the hog.
I hate to admit it
but I’ve been looking up
and strange things are falling
down on my luck.

And all that I got
I gave to Iowa.
All that I got
I gave to Iowa.

And someday I’ll want it back.
Someday I’ll need the antidote.
So here’s my autograph
on a self addressed envelope.
Sometimes I have to laugh
when things are going wrong.
Because according to plan
there probably wouldn’t even be a song.

And it sounds so strange
when it comes out right
and all that’s changed
is everything all right?

My watch and my wallet.
My beat and my string.
My what should I call it?
My pretend diamond ring.
My woman. My water.
My friends and my wine.
My mother. My father.
My unborn child.
My wit and my words.
My sobriety.
My wood and my wires.
My desires and my needs.
My aches and my pains
and my grace yes indeed