It’s not the End of the World

I’ve forgotten how it feels to touch
Lately i’ve remembered too much
Now as winter quickly tightens the bind
And the only open window is online
I keep seeing such good people
In such situations
In such grave pain
Sometimes i have to remind myself what my grandma would say

Oh it’s not the end of the world
Oh, it’s not the end of the world

Boarded up storefronts
more storms on the way
Not for the wind, not for the rain
But for fear of a friend
Who might be lost in despair
Everything happens everyday somewhere
And when it’s my house that’s
Burning down
And it seems like it’s all gone up in flames
Sometimes i have to remind myself what my grandma would say

Oh it’s not the end of the world
Oh, it’s not the end of the world

It’s hard to tell from here who’ll be there
When the dust settles
When we clear the air
All my friends are lunatics
So they’ll probably survive
They’ll probably be glad to be alive
That’s what happened on the titanic
On the titanic the musicians played
Sometimes i have to remind myself what my grandma would say

Oh it’s not the end of the world
Oh, it’s not the end of the world