Ladies and Gentlemen

I was the sucker first in line to buy my ticket
Barnum and Baily showed me how easily I’m won
and there’s one born every minute, behind me next in line
to find out how it’s done, to find out how it’s done…

Ladies and gentlemen! Can I direct your attention
to the center ring!!

The man behind me might discover what you’re thinking.
Balanced on a teacup, he may know just what you mean.
but not tonight! Tonight, the sun’s already sinking.
Behind me, go team, get behind me go team!

Ladies and gentlemen! Can I direct your attention
to the center ring!!

I’m not sure what i did to deserve the honor.
Except to say I started young, when i was just a gleam
in my momma’s eye. She told me I came out top hat and cane
and these were my first words, I know, it’s hard to believe but

Ladies and gentlemen! Can I direct your attention
to the center ring!!