Lost and Found

in the land of coke and money
i woke up in the morning
with my face in the mirror
just staring back at me
like a clown that wasn’t funny
read like a warning
couldn’t make it any clearer
i can not run from me

i keep following me around
i keep chasing myself down
coast to coast, town to town
lost and found, lost and found

i dipped my head in a creek of coffee
washed my eyes in a stream of nicotine
on the sidewalk all my words
fought like dogs around my feet
and i thought, is this not the dream?
could these dogs be my offering?
i always thought they’d fly like winged birds
lifting me far up off this street

i thought i saw an eagle
far above your city lights
and my one true lover
through the window of the opposite train
to an outlaw nothing’s legal
you don’t always get to pick your fights
i’ve been working undercover
trying to catch that part of me to blame

i keep following my calling
my wild rooster hollering at the dawn
my fate’s in the hands of temptation
as i’m drawn by a sire to the sea
my heart is flying and falling
and with a wink my woes are gone
in her eyes I’m reminded of the reason
i keep following me