Man of Revelation

I knew it was gonna fit before I walked in.
It was just that kind of a day.
I knew it was Grace before I stepped in
and that explains the smile on my face.

You see, I’m a man of revelation.
One gets me through to the next.
Settling down is not my salvation.
I work hard but I don’t take checks.

Then BOOM like one handed thunder
slaps me on the back of the head
and a new way of seeing makes me wonder.
Feel like I heard words God said…. (or something)

God said, “Take your guitar and tune it open.
Get yourself a bottleneck slide.
Play on it a while and when I start taliking,
you start singing and we’ll go nationwide.”

So that’s what I did. That’s what I done.
And that revelation was the last one.
Now I’m heading off towards the setting sun.
Going to where the next one comes.