My Work is Never Over

Oh my work is never over
even when the day is done
I toss and turn when I’m sleepin’
Come the morning, my work is just begun
My work is just begun My work is just begun My work is just begun

Someday I’ll take a long vacation
Hunker down, and just lay low
‘Til then I’m taking donations
Pass around; it’s all pay to go
It’s all pay to go It’s all pay to go It’s all pay to go

Once the seeds are all planted
then there’s the garden to tend
Comes a time for the harvest
and we’re harvestin’ seeds again
Harvestin’ seeds again Again and again

I think my favorite part’s complaining about the labor
while sharing the fruits with a friend
Thank god I love my job and my neighbor
Here’s to the work that never ends
To the work that never ends
To the work that never ends
Let’s hope it never ends