Never Let Your Lover Down

Never let your lover down and you’re
wise beyond your years.
Knowing that a love with wings
flies beyond your tears.
And noone buys a love with wings,
not even the king of the underground.
They just come in timw whe you
never let your lover down.
Never let your lover down, them’s wings.
Never let your lover down, that’s haow you fly around.

Never let your lover down and
healthy and weathy is yours.
Nothing you can’t have.
Nothing you can’t cure.
It’s like the Taj Mahal is
any old dive in town.
You never hit whe you fall
when you never let your lover down.
Never let your lover down, that’s gold.
Never let your lover down, you never grow old.

Temptation will drag you across the ground,
deep into the ocean, where everybody’s bound
to drown.

But if you never let your lover down
you can just watch the world dance.
If you stand together then you stand a chance.
And a chance is all you need
to wrap your arms around
the dreams that come true
when you never let your lover down.