New Dream

On my way back from Hollywood
with my tail between my legs, I knew
people’d be wondering if I made good
on my promise, what I said I’d do.

But I didn’t make my marquee mark.
I’m not gonna get no sidewalk star.
I was in an ad for an amusement park.
Served Tom Hanks one night at the bar.

Now I know what I am not.
Still got no idea what I might be.
Glad I gave it a shot.
Now I’m looking for a new dream.

There was one time I had gotten close
to the sun, but my wax wings they froze.
That audition still fills me with fright.
I just stood there like a deer in lights.

Oh, I knew what I was supposed to say.
Turn and point, “They went thata way.”
But after over an hour was spent,
I just kept saying, “That way they went.”

Back on the sidewalk in my old hometown.
I turned the corner and was struck by a sound.
It was coming from the dream café.
A saxophone was playing Turn the Page.

I started singing and we nailed that song.
Everybody started singing along.
So if you’re wondering where I’m off to next.
Red Rocks, I guess.

-Now I know what I am not.
Still got no idea what I might be.
Gonna give it a shot.
This new dream.