One of Them

Time tells stories to the people.
You will carry on a few of your own.
Remember, as all this comes to greet you,
you could not possibly be alone.
No matter how hard you try
to draw a line between you and
I’m watching you.

Because for every open eye, there’s a vision.
Let’s not beat around the burning bush.
It might be setting on the television.
Anyways, it burns for us.
There’s people all around you too.
They’re each fantastic
and watching you.

Can’t hide behind our glasses.
Can’t criticize where you never been.
You can’t be frozen by the dancers,
you’re one of them.
You’re one of them.

You might feel like you’re in the corner.
You might feel feel you rise above the rest.
You might feel like a foreigner
in the middle of an un poetic mess.
But that’s not the curtain calling you.
That’s just you watching people
watching you.

You might think you go unnoticed
when in fact, you’re worthy of research.
You might think, but nobody knows this
when in fact, we’re all playing in the dirt.
Building castles in our tiny rooms.
Sitting by the window on our thrones
watching you.

Hey look we’re all dancing on a world.
It’s up to you. What’s bad and what’s good?
All you have to do is be sure.
Once you are, you’ll know that you should
be prepared to make your move.
Quick enough to fool and just enough to prove
who’s watching you