Only Takes One

Last night, I lost it.
Now I can’t find it.
Might be gone for good.
Got to hand it to that madman,
I come around the corner,
Now he’s got who I thought I was.
Now I don’t like me
Hey, how about that?
Almost too easy and just because…

It only takes one, it only takes one,
It only takes one these days
To blow it all away.

Like fish in the sea, they say ladies ladies
But how could they possibly be more?
Every time I turn around, I see another one of my brothers
Picking his jaw up off the floor.
To me, they look like trouble. Me, I’ll take a.
I’m leaving this chair against the door.

Now on the TV news is breaking
They’re talking drumbeats of war.
Bad news bearers, it’s a war against terror,
Dropping bombs like never before.
And there’s those that call say kill them all
But how can they ever be sure?