Passing By

I’ve thought a lot about the passing of the son.
All the little things that could’ve come to save the day.
One by one, I hear them now, words that will never live.
But there’s one bit of wisdom with which I walk away.

You have no idea how many lives
you may have changed just passing by.
Things you don’t remember saying
still ring in someone’s mind.

You’ll never catch me sleeping. I’m falling so wake up
and be that perfect stranger I don’t know.
Who knows, you may have stopped a murderer by dialing the wrong number.
Who knows the many ways the story goes?

Before you go, accounting, blessings on your way to dine
as if you know just what your blessings are.
You might as well count the raindrops falling from the sky
in someplace you’ve never been so far.

Am F Am F Am F Am F
F Dm Am C -F Dm Am C walk down to Am