Plastic Pony

I say, Let me on that plastic pony! Stop the carosel!
But it just keeps on spinning.
I say, Let me get used to something, get to know it well.
But it all just keeps on beginning.
I can’t sit and watch forever.
I can’t sit idle by.
I don’t know how to hop on. I don’t know how to jump in.
I’ve given them both a try.

I talked to my ma and pa. I talked to all my friends.
I talked in between all the lines.
I talked to the pastor. I talked to the salesman.
I talked to the lady with the deep blue mind.
And they all told me the same thing.
They all said seek and ye shall find.
Well I am looking for a place.
I’m not looking for a sign.

I say, Stop the presses! Hold your horses!
I want to read and ride.
And squeeze something into me forever.
Be it woman, be it work, be it words, be it child-
I just hope it comes to me to be together.
I might just be making myself lonely.
I know that happens sometimes.
But as far as I can see,
there aint nothing close to me
but the feeling that none of its mine.