Train of Thoughts

There are those who will hate to see you shine
because it reminds them of the blindness they’ve embraced
they will talk you down all around town
and then laugh and be all friendly face to face.

But that don’t mean nothing’.
That’s just nothing’ but mean.
I mean, we all hate to feel small so make it all smaller
till it’s all too small to even be seen.

Hey hey hey don’t be tricked by that train
it’s not about to make any sudden turns
There truly is a sage inside that comes with age
and there truly is a child who never learns

You may try to glorify the stories of your youth
but in that you are bound to fall short.
Some may try to claim there is no glory to the truth
but always as a sad last resort.

You’d have to be a pretty brilliant writer
to even have to scribe the grace that you’ve displayed
and you’d have to be a pretty stubborn fighter
to try to tackle all of the nonsense that comes our way
Hey hey hey don’t be tricked by that train
it’s not about to make any sudden turns
if your candles lit at both ends, I’d say toss it to the fire and
warm your hands above it as is burns

I see a red moon getting sucked into a mountain
and a bright blue brand new breaking day
I never knew on how many hands you were counting
or just what you were about to say
when I heard you were thinking about closing the place
and hanging that dreaded awful sign
I knew it was a bad idea to miss what you have
because you might not have it to miss on down the line
Hey hey hey don’t be tricked by that train
it’s not about to make any sudden turns
and on the other hand, I am certain wisdom wiggles in your palm
like a filthy fishing worm