Wishful Thinking

I wonder which will come first,
Chicken Little or World War III.
I wonder about a lot of things,
but not so much what’s gonna happen to me.
She would like to see the change
I ain’t ever gonna be.
Some say it’s the end,
but all I see is wishful thinking.
Wishful thinking.

Ukraine is kicking its windows,
those little girls are gone.
Around here, we’re quickly losing
the West we once had one.
And everybody knows it
even those that deny.
But you know the truth.
You believe a lie.
Wishful thinking. Wishful thinking.

All I know is all I’ve seen
and Love will end the day.
But between me and you, between now and then,
it’s not all going to be OK.
But let’s not tell the children.
It’s not their burden yet.
Let them dream their silly dreams,
lest we all forget.
Wishful thinking. Wishful thinking.