Your Shining Eyes

You think that you’ve seen everything,
gone everywhere, now nothing
could surprise you not anymore.
So you tumble through the night
until you pull the curtains tight
with the wide world right outside your door.

Don’t you know it’s not right
that they don’t get to see you’re shining eyes?
Though they’re closed, you do not hide.
I see you. Good morning. Rise!

When you think about the past,
you crawl through the Looking Glass
that is shattered and scattered on the floor.
Who are you trying to please
down on your bloody knees?
We need you to believe like before.

Now you talk about shame
like it’s some lion you can’t tame.
Like it’s a flame you can’t extinguish but won’t burn.
It’s a shame you can’t pretend
to start over again.
This time through just think my friend of all you’ve learned.